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auvergne rhone alpes, France
Produk utama: Wellbox: perangkat anti Penuaan dan pelangsing
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Wellbox [S] Home Beauty Device for Anti-Aging and Slimming : Face legs belly & arms skin tightening saddlebags - White color
Min. Order: 54 pieces
Wellbox 2 Home Beauty Device for Anti-Aging Slimming Targeting Face Head Legs & Arms skin tightening saddlebags
Min. Order: 18 units
Wellbox [S] Black Home Beauty Device Anti-Aging Slimming Targeting Massage for Face Head Legs Arms Skin Tightening Saddlebags
Min. Order: 1 piece
Wellbox 2 Home Beauty Device for Anti-Aging Slimming face lift home use for face and body
Min. Order: 54 pieces
For over 35 years, the LPG Group has established itself as one of the pioneers of slimming and anti-aging with high-performance, natural techniques capable of stimulating dormant cellular activity naturally, without side effects.
Founded in 1986
301 - 500 People
1001 -2000 square meters
Jenis Verifikasi:
Pemeriksaan A&V
Negara / Wilayah:
auvergne rhone alpes, France
Tahun Berdiri:
Jenis Usaha:
Perusahaan Dagang
Produk Utama:
Wellbox: perangkat anti Penuaan dan pelangsing,
Jenis Pembayaran yang Diterima:
Pasar Utama:
Pasar Domestik, Eropa Selatan, Eropa Utara, Eropa Barat, Eropa Timur
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